The keys that may be used in the game.
Add a random number to Eric’s lines total.
Try to catch a mouse or frog.
Close all doors and windows.
Drop a stinkbomb.
Throw away the water pistol.
Stop writing on a blackboard.
Try to double the speed of the game (key must be held down).
Fire the catapult.
Fire the water pistol.
Make all but one shield flash.
Toggle full-screen mode.
Fill Eric’s inventory.
Throw a punch.
Load the most recently saved game.
Display the menu.
Execute the selected menu item.
Exit the menu.
Select the next item in the menu.
Select the previous item in the menu.
Mount the bike.
Proceed to the next lesson.
Prevent teachers from giving lines.
Open a desk.
Open all doors and windows.
Release some mice.
Reveal all combinations, the locations of the stinkbombs and the water pistol, and the answers to any special questions.
Save the game.
Take a screenshot.
Slow the game down to half speed (key must be held down).
Toggle between a water-filled and sherry-filled water pistol.
Acknowledge understanding of a message.
Make all but one shield unflash.
Start writing on a blackboard.
Set Eric’s lines total to zero.