To make complaints about or suggest improvements to Pyskool, or to submit some other piece of constructive criticism, contact me (Richard Dymond) at <rjdymond AT>.
No doubt there are bugs in Pyskool - and in this documentation - or ways it deviates unacceptably from the original games. Please report any bugs (reproducible crashes, especially) you find, and help to make Pyskool a solid and stable platform for developing new Skool-based games. If you can provide a saved game that demonstrates the bug shortly after being loaded, all the better.
How does Pyskool differ from the original games?
Though the conversion of the original games to Python/Pygame is pretty faithful (I think), there are some differences, noted below.
General differences:
In Skool Daze mode:
In Back to Skool mode:
Why Python (and Pygame)?
Because Python is an elegant, expressive, and excellent programming language. Plus it enables rapid development, which is good because I develop Pyskool in my limited spare time. Pygame’s pretty good too. When I started Pyskool back in 2008, I don’t know how else I’d have done graphics with Python.
Why Skool Daze and Back to Skool?
If you need to ask, you probably shouldn’t be here. Actually, what are you doing here? Go and play Jet Set Willy, or something.