The stock Pyskool graphics are stored in PNG files in subdirectories under images/originalx1. The PNG files are:
These images were extracted straight from memory snapshots of Skool Daze and Back to Skool, and are therefore identical to the graphics in the original games (hence the original prefix in the directory name), except for minor glitches that have been fixed. (See Skool Daze graphic glitches and Back to Skool graphic glitches.)
The *_ink.png and *_paper.png files are used in GraphicsMode 1 (see [ScreenConfig]) in order to emulate the Spectrum display, which was restricted to two colours (‘ink’ and ‘paper’) per 8x8-pixel block.
sprites.png is an 8x16 array of sprites for the characters in the game. These sprites are all facing left, and are flipped to obtain the corresponding right-facing sprites.
Any of these images can be customised using your favourite image editor.
Pyskool performs the following steps to determine the base directory for graphics to use in the game:
The actual image files used from the base directory are defined in the [Images] section.
If you wanted to create your own hi-res graphics at 2x the original Spectrum size, you could place them under a base directory called images/Customx2 and use the following parameter value in the [GameConfig] section:
ImageSet, Custom
and the following parameter values in the [ScreenConfig] section:
Scale, 2
GraphicsMode, 0